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Selina, 41, lives 267 kilometers away. We matched on Tinder six years ago without ever communicating. She’s beautiful on the outside. Judging by her profile text, she knows what she wants:
(*capslock and punctuation errors transcribed as they were)
at least 1,78 m tall! living in Vienna or the vicinity
Non-smoker, non-snorer, generous to himself and others
Healthy lifestyle sparse alcohol
No small children, a sense for cuisine and beautiful hotels/travel
Chatting forever is and meet if there’s sympathy..anything else is a waste of time !
If you touch me without touching me, then I have fallen for you:)
What a wholesome way to round off this wholely unlikable profile. Okay, that’s harsh. I agree with some things, like the meeting early part. If I had to guess, she’s still looking for someone living up to her high and specific expectations. By the way, most of her grammar and spelling errors were lost in translation from German to English. This somehow confirms my view of the typical anti-vaxxer. She seems to be a rather tame specimen, there are far more extreme examples out there. What an unreflecting, uneducated, unempathetic crowd. I didn’t even mention the screenshots of generic, pseudo-wise quotes and sayings mixed in with her gorgeous pictures.
I’m sure she’s a great person. But my biases and prejudices prevent me from seeing that.
Live long and prosper, fellow ape. I hope you get better. Because if even someone like you manages to do so, that could mean we as a species have the potential to do better.

ChatGPT, try to find the moral of this story
The moral of the story seems to be that the author has a negative bias towards individuals who have anti-vaccination beliefs and that the person in the story, Selina, is viewed as being unreflective, uneducated, and unempathetic because of her stance on vaccines. The author also seems to have issues with Selina’s high expectations and her grammatical errors. The author also suggests that it’s hard to see the good in people when one holds biases and prejudices. The author also implies that it is possible for people to change their biases and prejudices by wishing to get better.
This article is part of my new series, Tinder Reflections, where I reflect on my past experiences with the dating platform, love, life, and stuff. Personal, autobiographical, relatable, philosophical, intimate, vulnerable, critical. Mindful enough to be aware and honest enough to admit.
Guest-starring: the omnipresent, much-knowing, widely loved A.I., ChatGPT.
It’s gonna be a banger! Both literally and figuratively.
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